Class And Type of PCBs
Board Class:(as per IEC6011)
Class I General Electronic Products:- Includes customer products,some computer peripherals suitable for applications where cosmetic imperfections are not important and the major requirement is function of the completed printed board .
Class II Dedicated Service Electronic Products - Includes communication equipment, sophisticated business machines ,instruments where high performance and extended life is required and for which uninterrupted service is desired and not critical . Certain cosmetic imperfections are allowed .
Class III High reliability Electronic Products : - Includes the equipment and products where continued performance or performance on demand is critical. Equipment downtime cannot be tolerated and must function when required such as in life support items or flight control systems Printed boards in this class are suitable for applications where high level of assurance and service is essential
Board Type(as per IEC6012A) : Printed boards without plated-through holes and with plated-through holes are classified as follows:
Type 1—Single-Sided Board
Type 2—Double-Sided Board
Type 3—Multilayer board without blind or buried vias
Type 4—Multilayer board with blind and/or buried vias
Type 5—Multilayer metal core board without blind or buried vias
Type 6—Multilayer metal core board with blind and/or buried vias